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For complete list:​  ResearchGate      Google Scholar

Feehan CJ, Filbee-Dexter K, Wernberg T (2021) Embrace kelp forests in the coming decade. Science 373:863

Pessarrodona A, Filbee-Dexter K, Alcoverro T, Boada J, Feehan CJ, Fredriksen S, Grace SP, Nakamura Y, Narvaez CA, Norderhaug KM, Wernberg T (2021) Homogenization and miniaturization of habitat structure in temperate marine forests. Global Change Biology

Bojorquez CR*, Feehan CJ (2021) Laboratory-simulated marine heatwave accelerates early embryonic development in the sea urchin Arbacia punctulata at its cold range edge. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 65:219-225

Brown MS, Bowman JS, Lin Y, Feehan CJ, Cassar N, Schofield OM (2021) Low diversity of a key phytoplankton group along the West Antarctic Peninsula. Limnology and Oceanography 66:2470-2480


Filbee-Dexter K, Wernberg T, Grace SP, Thormar J, Fredriksen S, Narvaez CA, Feehan CJ*, Norderhaug CM* (2020) Marine heatwaves and the collapse of marginal North Atlantic kelp forests. Scientific Reports 10:13388 *These authors jointly supervised this work

Grace SP, Feehan CJ (2020) Temperate urchins clearing space for coralsFrontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18:134

Scheibling RE, Feehan CJ, Hatcher BG (2020) Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 43:553-591


Kobelt J, Sharp WC, Miles TN, Feehan CJ (2019) Localized impacts of Hurricane Irma on Diadema antillarum and coral reef community structureEstuaries and Coasts

Brown MS, Munro DR, Feehan CJ, Sweeney C, Ducklow HW, Schofield OM (2019) Enhanced oceanic CO2 uptake along the rapidly changing West Antarctic Peninsula. Nature Climate Change

Feehan CJ, Narvaez CA, Grace SP (2019) Ecological feedbacks stabilize a turf-dominated ecosystem at the southern extent of kelp forests in the Northwest Atlantic. Scientific Reports 9:7078


Feehan CJ, Sharp WC, Miles TN, Brown MS, Adams DK (2019) Larval influx of Diadema antillarum to the Florida Keys linked to passage of a Tortugas Eddy. Coral Reefs 38:387–393


Feehan CJ, Ludwig Z, Yu S, Adams DK (2018) Synergistic negative effects of thermal stress and altered food resources on echinoid larvae. Scientific Reports 8:12229

Feehan CJ, Grauman-Boss BC, Strathmann RR, Dethier MN, Duggins DO (2018) Kelp detritus provides high-quality food for sea urchin larvae. Limnology and Oceanography 63: S299-S306

Yiu DS, Feehan CJ (2017) Articulated coralline algae provide a spatial refuge to juvenile sea urchins from predatory crabs. Marine Biology 164:76

Feehan CJ, Brown MS, Sharp WC, Lauzon-Guay JS, Adams DK (2016) Fertilization limitation of Diadema antillarum on coral reefs in the Florida Keys. Ecology 97:1897–1904


Filbee-Dexter K, Feehan CJ, Scheibling RE (2016) Large-scale degradation of a kelp ecosystem in an ocean warming hotspot. Marine Ecology Progress Series 543:141–152

Feehan CJ, Scheibling RE, Brown MS, Thompson KR (2015) Marine epizootics linked to storms: mechanisms of pathogen introduction and persistence inferred from coupled physical and biological time-series. Limnology and Oceanography 61:316–329


Buchwald R, Feehan CJ, Scheibling RE, Simpson ABG (2015) Low temperature tolerance of a sea urchin pathogen: implications for benthic community dynamics in a warming ocean. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 469:1–9

Eerkes-Medrano D, Feehan CJ, Leys SP (2014) Sponge cell aggregation: checkpoints of development indicate a high level of organismal complexity. Invertebrate Biology 134:1–18


Feehan CJ, Francis FTY, Scheibling RE (2014) Harbouring the enemy: kelp holdfasts protect juvenile sea urchins from predatory crabs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 514:149–161

Feehan CJ, Scheibling RE (2014) Disease as a control of sea urchin populations in Nova Scotian kelp beds. Marine Ecology Progress Series 500:149–158


Feehan CJ, Scheibling RE (2014) Effects of sea urchin disease on coastal marine ecosystems. Marine Biology 161:1467–1485

Feehan CJ, Johnson-Mackinnon J, Scheibling RE, Lauzon-Guay JS, Simpson AG (2013) Validating the identity of Paramoeba invadens, the causative agent of recurrent mass mortality of sea urchins in Nova Scotia, Canada. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 103:209–227


Scheibling RE, Feehan CJ, Lauzon-Guay JS (2013) Climate change, disease and the dynamics of a kelp-bed ecosystem in Nova Scotia. In: Fernández-Palocios JM, Nascimiento LD, Hernández JC, Clemente S, González A, Diaz-González JP (eds) Climate Change: perspectives from the Atlantic: past, present and future. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, p 361-387 PDF on ResearchGate

Feehan CJ, Scheibling RE, Lauzon-Guay JS (2012) Aggregative feeding behaviour in sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) leads to destructive grazing in a Nova Scotian kelp bed. Marine Ecology Progress Series 444:69–83


Feehan CJ, Scheibling RE, Lauzon-Guay JS (2012) An outbreak of sea urchin disease associated with a recent hurricane: support for the “killer storm hypothesis” on a local scale. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 413:159–168

Scheibling RE, Feehan CJ, Lauzon-Guay JS (2010) Disease outbreaks associated with recent hurricanes cause mass mortality of sea urchins in Nova Scotia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 408:109–116 


Community Ecology and Disease in the Ocean

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